Monday, January 28, 2013

Geometry is so much fun!

Building and changing block structures during math class.

Kindergarten Homework:
*Read a book each night and practice tricky words (go, no, yes, see).
*Read words in the little bags that will come home this week, and return the next day.
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Return library book by Monday.

Elementary Drama:
*Read over your lines and start to memorize them.
*Practice is on Wednesday from 3-4pm.

Upcoming Events:
*Kindergarten joins Reading Club on January 29th (every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:10-1:50).
*Show and Tell on January 30th at 1:25pm.
*Book Orders due on February 6th.
*Show and Tell on February 8th at 12:20pm.
*WITS assembly on February 12th at 1pm.
*Valentines Day on February 14th (bring valentines for party in afternoon).
*Day 100 projects due on February 14th.
*Day 100 on February 15th. (Special activities starting at 10:45 am - Notice with details will go home soon).
*Wonder World on February 19th at 6pm.
*Rowan's Birthday on February 24th.
*March Break from March 4-8th.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Welcome back to school! Please remember that it is often windy on the playground, so make sure your child has a hat, mittens and ski or splash pants each day.

Kindergarten Homework:
*Finish homework duotang and game by Friday.
*Read a book EVERY night and return reading bag EVERY day.
*Practice sounds and tricky words (said, here, it) every night.
*Return library book by Monday.

Elementary Drama:
*Try-outs for our play "Little Red Riding Hook: A Fairy-Tale Spoof" will be this Wednesday at 3pm. Good luck!
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